Digital presence management for

Brand Builders

If growing and managing your digital presence feels like a full-time job, let our team carry the load!

Our Clients Love Us

The feeling is mutual, by the way!

"My marketing team too charge, helped me strategize, and automated the whole thing in weeks."

Phil Henry

Business Development

"Thanks to our marketing team, we're in front of 100 times more leads and conversions are a cakewalk."

Gaby Portillo

Human Development

"Standing out as a small coding school is a challenge in this market, but our Logro team has helped us reach thousands!"

Christian Morsing

Operations Director

"I spent 10's of thousands with another firm, but had 1% of the automation I have now. My marketing is easy with Logro!"

Byron Sommardahl

Founder and Coach

Why get Logro to launch your next campaign?

Complete Abilities

Launching and running a marketing campaign is complex and full of technical nuance. It's enough to prevent many from launching in the first place. Logro has "been there" and "done that" and has the technical expertise to solve any technical challenge.

Early Delivery

We love a challenging deadline, but we love delivering early even more! Logro follows Agile Methodologies, so we produce measurable value every week, not just at the end of a project. As soon as a task is done and ready for public consumption, we deliver it to you without delay!

Proven methods

The road to a successful marketing campaign is a well-traveled one. There's no need to reinvent the wheel when the wheel we have works so well! The proven methods and strategies to promote, sell and run your program are well-established, and Logro knows them all!

Choose from our

Digital Marketing Abilities

  • Website Development

  • Social Media Management

  • Community Management

  • Local SEO/Presence

  • Global SEO

  • Reputation Management

  • Sales Prospecting

  • Lead Generation

  • Personal Brand Management

  • Sales Funnels and Automation

  • Podcast Episodes

  • Live Webinar Production

  • Evergreen Webinars

  • Book Authoring

  • Digital Course Creation

  • Appointment Setting

Which abilities will move the right needles? A marketing analysis would help!

Logro is a trademark of Sommardahl Venture. Copyright 2020-2022.